SUPERText® by Supergravity Incorporated
Aug 27 2015

SUPERText: BASIC for Windows 10

Version 7.32 of SUPERText: BASIC is now available. Version 7.32 or later of SUPERText: BASIC is required for use with Windows 10.
Jan 09 2013

PDF Export PACK Version 2

PDF Export PACK Version 2 Is Here! Version 2 adds to the efficiency and power of our original SUPERText. PDF Export PACK (described in the “New PDF Export PACK for SUPERText” Aug 31/10 Article). With Version 2 you can now:
  • Include in exported PDF files SUPERText page zones, rendered on-the-fly and differentially if desired; different zone types can be rendered in different ways in the exported PDF files.
  • Render zones in exported PDF files using new rendering types including “Solid Zone Colour” and “Transparent Zone Colour” so you can now export PDF files with zoned areas highlighted in colour.
  • Automatically include “Author”, “Title”, “Subject” and “Key Words” meta-data fields in the exported PDF files. SUPERText lets you specify the SUPERText database fields or constant values to use for the values for each of these PDF meta-data fields.
  • Export PDF files that are automatically encrypted and secured with a password to open the PDF files and/or a “master” PDF password to restrict permissions in the exported PDF files.
Feb 23 2012

SUPERText: SERVER 7.00 Pre-Release

We are pleased to announce that a pre-release version of SUPERText: SERVER 7.00 is now available for SUPERText Software Subscription holders who wish to be involved in pre-release testing under the terms of our Pre-Release Software Testing Agreement.
SUPERText: SERVER 7.00 includes numerous new capabilities in addition to dozens of enhancements.
Feb 23 2012

End of Life Announcement for Older Product Versions

Supergravity announces end of life status for the following older versions of SUPERText and IMAGEFactory:
  • SUPERText: Research PRO and SERVER: Versions older than 6.93
  • SUPERText: Research BASIC PACK: Versions older than 6.96
  • SUPERText: BATCHProcess: Versions older than 6.96
  • SUPERText: BASIC: Versions older than 7.20
  • IMAGEFactory: SCAN: Versions older than 8.10
Updated versions of the above products are available and required to support the newer versions of Windows Operating Systems, including Windows 7 and 64-bit versions of the Windows Operating Systems. If you are running an older version of SUPERText or IMAGEFactory please contact us for information on upgrading to the latest versions.
Aug 31 2010

New PDF Export PACK for SUPERText

Many of our users have requested a new SUPERText module to export SUPERText documents to PDF. It’s now here: PDF Export PACK for SUPERText. PDF Export PACK generates a mass export of SUPERText documents, files and folder organization of one or more of your SUPERText projects based on a user-defined SUPERText Table of Contents. With PDF Export PACK you can, in a single automated batch process, export to PDF hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of your SUPERText documents. PDF Export PACK for SUPERText is a separately licensed add-on product that can be purchased for SUPERText: Research SB or for SUPERText: BatchProcess. PDF Export PACK for SUPERText:
  • Generates PDF files with SUPERText redaction zones rendered with a redaction reason, either using reference text from a database field or automatically, or as traditional black-outs
  • Automatically names generated PDF files based on one or more SUPERText project fields
  • Exports documents to PDF files under folders and subfolders hierarchically organized and named the same as the SUPERText Table of Contents
  • Exports SUPERText linked media, transcripts and external files
  • Generates a detailed log of all significant events of the export batch
To purchase PDF Export PACK for SUPERText please contact us and provide the serial number of the SUPERText: Research or SUPERText: BatchProcess product to which you wish to add-on PDF Export PACK.
May 07 2010

SUPERText: BASIC PACK Version 6.96 and SUPERText: BASIC Version 7.23

We have released Version 6.96 of BASIC PACK and Version 7.23 of SUPERText: BASIC. New and enhanced (since Version 6.92) are the following:
  • New “Reason Rendering” in “Make|Redacted Images” and in “Make|Duplicate Database”. Redaction zones may now be rendered with a redaction reason, either using reference text from a database field or automatically. A cross-referenced Redactions Report is now also automatically generated.
  • New “Delay Copying of Linked Files” option. If a volume has a large number of large media or external files, it may be advantageous to delay the copying of these files and perform the copying as a post-process operation. In addition to this new option, we have added two new “Post-Process” operations: “Copy Linked Files that Were Delayed” and “Verify Linked Files that Were Delayed.”
  • Improved “Check Media Links” function now returns LINKED tables, so that records can now be copied and pasted into the Results List from the “Links Found”, “Links Missing” and “Error” tables.
  • Improved automatic re-setting of default folders for KLU, default folders for VIFs and defaults for other settings, designed to save time.
  • A newer version of SUPERText: BASIC (7.23) that includes user-settable Results List size of up to 10,000 records.
  • New quick access buttons in Document Record window to “Toggle Between Hits and Whole Document View” and “Ask Windows to Open Document.”
  • Support for Windows 7
Apr 14 2010

SUPERText: IMAGEFactory Version 8.10

We have released Version 8.10 of SUPERText: IMAGEFactory. This updated version includes support for newer versions of VRS and for newer Operating System versions. It also includes improved Project support, updated Installation Notes and an updated User Manual.
May 21 2009

SUPERText: BASIC PACK Version 6.92 and SUPERText: BASIC Version 7.20

We have released Version 6.92 of BASIC PACK and Version 7.20 of SUPERText: BASIC. Enhanced functionality in these new versions includes:
  • Support for redaction of colour images, in BASIC Volumes, in duplicated databases and in making redacted images
  • Support for re-generation of text, in both BASIC Volumes and duplicate databases, to generate text for non-redacted areas of images that are redacted
  • Generation of a SUPERText Page Set containing all the images that are included in redacted form in a BASIC Volume, in a duplicated database or when making redacted images
  • Improved printing in Viewer for better support of colour images
  • New options to deal with missing keys in key-lookup fields
  • New and improved “autoplay” in SUPERText BASIC Volumes
  • New and improved installer and uninstaller in SUPERText: BASIC
  • Support for 32-bit and 64-bit VISTA for SUPERText: BASIC
  • Updated documentation on the product CD
The new releases also include various fixes of reported anomalies.
Jan 02 2008

SUPERText: BatchProcess 2007 Version 6.91

A new version (6.91) of SUPERText: BatchProcess 2007 has been released. Among other enhancements, this version improves support for colour images. It also provides new options for clients who use processed files with third-party applications.
Mar 08 2007

SUPERText: BASIC and Windows Vista

Version 7.10 is now available. Version 7.10 or later of SUPERText: BASIC is required for use under Windows Vista. Version 7.05 or earlier cannot be used on Windows Vista. The SUPERText BASIC SETUP program for Versions 7.05 and earlier will detect Windows Vista as an unsupported Operating System.
Feb 05 2007

New SUPERText and IMAGEFactory Versions

New Versions of our capture products are here! We are excited to announce the release of Version 8 of our IMAGEFactory: SCAN product and Version 6.88 of our SUPERText: BatchProcess 2007 product. The new IMAGEFactory: SCAN provides full support for the latest production scanners and includes numerous new productivity enhancements. SUPERText: BatchProcess 2007 is a replacement for our IMAGEFactory: Process product.
Jun 21 2006

Technical Support

Supergravity has earned an outstanding reputation for the quality and efficiency of its technical support services. Provision of excellent priority support is part of our founding philosophy and continuing commitment to you. In our effort to provide our users with responsive support, and based on our review of support plans that we have previously delivered, we wish to announce the following Support Policy effective July 1, 2006.
Technical support is available to SUPERText and IMAGEFactory software users based on pre-arranged Support Contracts. The Incident Based Support Plan (“IBS”) is discontinued. We will of course honour current IBS plans until expiry. No support is available on End of Life products. We have implemented the new policies to assist us in planning and provisioning the best available technical support services to our users in light of the increasing complexity of the projects and the environments in which our software is now being used.

Jun 19 2006

SUPERText Version 6.84 Released

Supergravity is excited to announce the release of V. 6.84 of its SUPERText Product line, PRO, PLUS, SB and SERVER. Enhancements in this new version include a new multi-tabbed Document Record view offering enhanced support for the handling of numerous eFile formats; a new integrated spell checker including automatic spell checking in forms and batch spell checking in tables; a new integrated media window; updated index and View modules and dozens of User Interface and function improvements.

Jun 19 2006

End of Life Announcements for Pre-6.75 Versions of SUPERText

With the numerous advances in its current versions of SUPERText, Supergravity announces end of life for versions of SUPERText earlier than 6.75 (including PRO, PLUS, SB, BASIC PACK and CD-View), which are now over four years old. Certain pre-6.75 version of SUPERText will remain available for purchase only until July 31, 2006.

Jan 12 2005

SUPERText: BASIC PACK Version 6.75 and BASIC Version 7.05 Released

We have released Version 6.75 of BASIC PACK and Version 7.05 of SUPERText: BASIC. Enhanced functionality in these new versions includes:
  • Notes Migration: Notes made on earlier versions of SUPERText: BASIC Volumes may now be migrated or imported into newer versions. SUPERText: BASIC maintains the link data associated with the notes so that migrated notes are fully functional in newer Volumes.
  • Title Page: A customizable 'Title Page' may now be included in each SUPERText: BASIC Volume. The Title Page may include customizable graphics, titles, scroll areas and help text.
  • VIF Files: SUPERText can now save a Volume Information File (VIF) for each SUPERText: BASIC volume. VIF files may be used to supply default values whenever a volume is created, thus saving much time and making the creation process more consistent and less prone to entry errors.
  • Hits Page: A 'Hits' Page has been added. If a record in the Results Page has numerous hits on numerous pages, SUPERText: BASIC compiles and displays a list of all the areas/pages in the record or document where the search terms appear.
  • Updated Documentation: Documentation has been fully updated and is available in electronic format.
June 1 2004

SUPERText: SERVER Ver 6.75 Released

We have released V. 6.75 of its SUPERText: SERVER product. Enhancements in this new version include:
  • An updated Task Management System
  • A new integrated License Manager supporting both 'Client Access' licensing and new CONCURRENT access licensing
  • Support for Windows 2003 Server
Feb 27 2004

We are Moving

We are excited to be moving to a new facility to serve you better. Our new state-of-the art office is closer to major transportation links and to public transit facilities. Now you can quickly reach us by car or by TTC. Our new location will enable us to be more efficient and to provide new services to our clients. Excellent restaurants and shopping are also nearby. Our phone numbers will change.
Jan 16 2004

Product Updates

We have released updated version, 7.10, of our capture software, IMAGEFactory: SCAN and a new PLUS version of SUPERText: Index. IMAGEFactory: SCAN Version 7.10 has been enhanced to operate in a new "edit station" mode for quality-review and other operations not involving direct document scanning.
The new PLUS version of SUPERText: Index, in addition to having all the existing functionality of the standard SUPERText: Index product, provides extra functions and features especially useful in server-based installations. Index PLUS has an enhanced scripting component to automate SUPERText project maintenance functions. It also has an enhanced scheduling component and has been integrated with the Windows Task scheduler. New functions are also available to automate the collection of SUPERText project data from multiple remote locations to a centralized server. Index PLUS can be installed directly on a server for server-based indexing, thus not requiring a full SUPERText: Research license and installation for the server.

Oct 10 2003

SUPERText: BASIC Ver 7.04 Released

We have released version 7.04 of SUPERText: BASIC. Enhanced functionality in this new version includes:
  • Context Menus (right-click) are now available in the 'Document', 'Fields' and 'Transcript' pages to provide convenient access to existing functions and to new functions.
  • Zoom to Rectangle has been added to the 'Document' page to enable users to magnify selected portions of a page, in addition to the existing 'Zoom In' and 'Zoom Out' functionality.
  • Find and Find Next features have been added to the 'Transcript' page.
  • Print and Print Selected features have been added to the 'Transcript' page.
  • Print Form Data has been added to the 'Fields' page. Fielded information may now be easily printed, even across multiple form tabs.
  • Property windows have been added.
  • System Administrators may now specify different default storage locations for user application data and Notes.
Mar 28 2003

SUPERText BASIC Pack Ships

On March 28th, 2003 we began shipping Version 7.0 of SUPERText BASIC Pack for SUPERText SB. SUPERText BASIC Pack for SUPERText SB is an add-on publishing product for SUPERText: Research SB Version. This Pack enables the making of SUPERText BASIC Volumes, embedded with the new SUPERText: BASIC software for browsing, viewing and searching the volumes.
With the SUPERText BASIC Pack, users may now publish, in an integrated self-playing volume, SUPERText documents, SUPERText fields, wiretap media and transcripts, video, PDF and other electronic documents.
The SUPERText BASIC software embedded in these volumes can include in the Volume:
  • A Contents Page, with a hierarchical Table of Contents to clearly and effectively structure and review the contents of the volume.
  • A Search Page to enable the user of the volume to search the volume.
  • A Results Page to collect retrieved documents. Documents are automatically excerpted to show search terms in context.
  • A Document Page to view, zoom and print scanned documents.
  • A Fields Page to show fielded information. Fielded information is shown using SUPERText project forms. Multiple forms can be published to automatically deal with multiple record types.
  • A Media Page and Transcript Page to show wiretap, video and other media, with an integrated transcription.
  • A Web Page to view electronic files, such as PDF files, and web objects.
  • A Notes Page to enable the user to annotate the volume.