SUPERText® by Supergravity Incorporated

SUPERText Videos

Here are some "How-To" videos for SUPERText 7. Please note that some features shown in these videos have been updated in newer versions of SUPERText. Please check back from time to time for new videos: newly added videos will appear at the top of the page.

December 8/16 (47:48)

Working with Forms
in SUPERText 7

Learn how to use and work in SUPERText Forms. What are forms and where are they used? This video covers SUPERText Forms for Document Records, Page Records, New Document Records, Tables and Key Lookup Tables. Learn how to work with Forms in Search Results, Tables of Contents and tables. See the various types of objects used in SUPERText forms including drop-down lists, linked names and monikers, key lookup values, pictures and hyperlinks. Also learn about quick keyboard shortcuts that can save you a lot of time!

June 9/16 (23:10)

Document Printing
in SUPERText 7

Learn how to print documents in SUPERText 7. This video covers SUPERText print annotations, print layout options and batch printing.

June 9/16 (43:59)

PDF Output
in SUPERText 7

Learn how to output SUPERText documents to PDF and how to perform a mass output using PDF Export PACK for SUPERText. Learn about rendering zones to PDF, about PDF meta data and security and about some recommended best practices. The video includes examples of how to create a simple SUPERText Table of Contents, how to work with table filters and fills and how to use the power of SUPERText calculations.

June 9/16 (55:28)

Page Records and Redactions
in SUPERText 7

Learn about Page Records in SUPERText 7 including Redactions. The video covers: Record Types; Differential Rendering; Zoning Hot Keys and shortcuts; Disclosure; Saving Zones; Editing Zones; Default Rendering; SUPERText Templates; DocRecType System Field; Forms associated with Page Records; Specifying information in zones; the Page Records Window; Fetching Zones and Reviewing with Forms; Searching for Zones; Differentially Releasing Previously Marked Redactions; Printing with Zones; Rendering Types; and Creating PDFs with Zones. Unzoned Page Records are also reviewed. You will also see an example of how to use Page Records for Event Analysis and how you might use Temporary Zones.